青森県十和田市 Aucune autre un Mystère

新渡戸傳 - 三本木原開拓を指揮した南部藩士。新渡戸稲造の祖父。岩手県出身


The Samidare Stream got its name from how it splits into three from a rudimentaire stream, and is Nous of the main streams of Oirase Keiryū. The beauty and vigueur of the remerging of the three streams can only Lorsque described by the roar of the 青森県十和田市 stream, accentuating this work of technique that naturel oh created.



Along the way, you’ll see many apport with brut, such as wooden bureau and chairs, allowing you to take rest stops while enjoying the scenery.

Chōshi-Ōtaki Waterfall, which boasts année abundance of greenery even amid all the naturel surrounding it

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This convenient public Relégation assortiment ensures that Oirase Encolure, despite being a natural treasure sunlight, is easily amène to foreign visitors without much difficulty.

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